I retired early and took a significant reduction in income to run for SVUSD Trustee
Area 3. My passion is to help this, and future generations receive a quality
education in a safe environment. To me, it’s worth the income loss to know my
efforts will make a lasting difference.
As a mom, grandmother and someone who led hands-on, educational activities
and tours I’m concerned about the direction our education system has been
going. We must return to the basics of Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts,
Math (STEAM), comprehension, writing and reading. We must bring back AP
courses and encourage students to think for themselves while supporting their
success and provide additional resources to anyone needing them. Students
should know how to live within a budget, write a job resume, and interview
before graduating. Not all students are meant to attend a four-year college or
university. As a school district we need to offer more trade training courses so
graduating students can immediately enter the workforce, and earn good salaries.
My mom was a special education teacher’s aide. She loved her job and cared
greatly about students, parents and teachers. I witnessed how physically
demanding it was on her. She often spoke about how these were forgotten
students. There weren’t enough funds for necessary supplies and equipment in
addition to needing more aides for the large number of students. Special
Education teachers hold a place in my heart, and I’ll work diligently to ensure
students and teachers needs are met.
Over 25% of SVUSD students are English learners. They need more time and
attention than teachers with a full class size can provide. I will propose additional
aides be hired to assist teachers.
Transparency – Parents/Guardians and taxpayers have the right to know where
and how funds are being spent, what students are learning, and actual test
scores. As a property owner, it’s important to know that test scores and district
awards affect property values. Many parents are willing to spend more on a
home in an area with excellent schools.
School safety is extremely important to me. Children are dropped off at school by
someone who cares very much about them. They entrust schools to always keep
them safe. There’s nothing more important than protecting the lives of children,
teachers and staff. This must be a top priority for the entire board.