Quality education is vital for students to become productive, responsible mature adults. As a board member, it’s our responsibility to ensure children receive it.
I’ll lead the efforts in working with board members and parents/guardians to create and implement a Parents Bill of Rights.
Make all curriculum easily accessible on the district’s website.
As board members, we are accountable to taxpayers. Public funds should be used wisely and purposefully. I will work with board members to have financial information such as proposed vendor and consultant contracts and scopes of work available on the district’s website prior to the board voting on them.
I support school choice and approve qualified charter schools.
I will include parents and guardians in creating and implementing a Parental
Bill of Rights in addition to other aspects of children’s education and safety.
I’ll work with board members to meet with Parents Against School Shootings
(P.A.S.S.) organization along with qualified safety experts to make school sites safe for students, teachers and staff.
I’ll work with the board to resume live and recorded school board meetings aired from our website.
I would also like to have a translator at each board meeting to assist non-English speaking parents to have their voices heard.